Where we work: We are based in Huntington Beach and are involved in nearby Orange County areas.
What we do: Help educate our communities on current issues, advocate for causes that represent our values, and help elect candidates from local to national that represent progressive ideas.
When we meet: Typically, on the 3rd Saturday morning of the month from 10am to noon--currently on Zoom.
How we work: We have Action Teams. You can see them listed on the top menu on our header. Each Action Team has monthly meetings where we either schedule speakers or actions.
How you can help: Join us in our activities. Sign up for our newsletter. Volunteer -- we post possible options. Donate! We don't have dues. Engage in your community! ! !
News: We post news on the NEWS page which you will find on the top of our banner.
You will be receiving ballots for the special election for California Senate District 36. OC Huddle has endorsed: Jimmy Pham
RSVP to admin@ochuddle.com for the immigration program
Both HB petitions to stop the book banning group and to not privitize library services were successful. We obtained enough signatures for the City to react. They have now decided to order a study: www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/story/2025-01-23/huntington-beach-city-council-orders-studies-on-library-initiatives They have also sent a survey by email to HB residents basically asking if they were "misinformed" when singing the petitions. The "study" should be done in 30 days. See From the Press pages for full information.
As you know we had miserable results in the election. BUT Dave Min and Derek Tran won!!! This is not the time to bury our heads in the sand. We have to be ready to challenge the new 7 all majority in the City Council. Be ready for that.
In anticipation of whatever actions #47 will take please turn to this site for ideas and assistance: www.justice4all.org/rapid-response-toolkit/#KYRVIDEOS. See the Voter Engagement page for more resources.
For a review watch this short video on the city's probably illegal million dollar settlement with Code 4, the company that runs the airshow. Outrageous! www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMPtTkOnvVw
It's off! The one vendor who responded to very quick Request for Proposal pulled out at the last minute. But we are not out of the woods. The "book ban" is still on. We need to get petitions signed to get voters to rescing the ordinance that will create the "citizens' review panel." 6/19/24: FORTUNATELY, THE VENDOR BACKED OFF AT THE LAST MINUTE SO THE ISSUE IS MOOT. HOWEVER, BE ON THE ALERT FOR CONTINUING ATTACKS ON OUR LIBRARY.
4th of July HB Parade
Please go to our NEWS page for updates on the attack of HB Public Library and Cultural Center by the MAGA 4
The information below is dated but it's useful to keep it "alive: because the issues have not been resolved. January 18, 2025
The Huntington Beach Public Library, a stellar organization in the county has been under attack since the MAGA city council took over. Late last year the council passed a resolution to remove "objectional" items from the childrens and teen section of the library. The reason, paraphrasing, is to protect young readers from "pornography" and "obscenity." No criteria was set for the removal process and for the alternative access to these materials by those who wish to use them. On the February 20th meeting, Council Woman Moser attempted to bring transparency to the process, but her resolution was not passed. Read an unbiased review of this action in the Daily Pilot. Many more articles are archived in the From the Press section of this website.
The MAGA majority is moving forward to create a 21 person "review" board to evaluate childrens books. How often will they meet? What criteria will be used to appoint these people? What criteria will they use to review these books? How many books have to be purchased for the process? What happens to the books that will not be purchased for the library? The Community and Library Services Commission met on April 10, 2024, where these questions were asked but not answered because everything is in process. Here is a sampling of the children's and teen books that have been "relocated."
Incredibly, the MAGA majority has decided that it would be a good thing to privatize the library. As such they will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to firms such as Library Systems and Services (a for profit entity). The RFP is in the process of being written. Over 30 citizens spoke at the April 10 commission meeting decrying this move and asking pertinent questions such as: will we have the same services, will we be eligible for government grants, will we able to keep the hundreds of volunteers who staff many programs and services, how much money are we actually saving? There were few answers although an astonishing fact is that the library's budget hasn't increased in the last five years. HB spends $27 per citizen per year for library services. Hardly a huge amount. It's the price of an average hardback book. One book check out by an HB tax payer takes care of that amount.
Attend council and commission meetings, contact the council members (call, email, make in-person appointments, attend protest meeting (See Protect HB for activities and opportunities),join the Friends of the Library and donate, talk to your friends and neighbors--most people lead busy lives and are not well informed on local issues. Sign the petitions to undo the "citizens review board" that will censor children's books anda petition against privatizing the library. See the top of this page for opportunities to work on the petitions. Ultimately, it is imperative that we re-elect our current sane council members this November. Go to Dan Kalmick, Natalie Moser, and Rhonda Bolton's web pages to donate and volunteer.
PROTECTHB.ORG is a new PAC whose mission is centered on good governance in Huntington Beach. Please support this organization. Go to their website, learn more about it and donate whatever you can. There is also a YouTube Channel you can check out. Here's the latest video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bkOTQb-8BY
Click here to send your emails: city.council@surfcity-hb.org and supplementalcomm@surfcity-hb.org
Below is a letter from Rob Bonta, CA Attorney General informing the HB City Council of the implications of changing elections protocols.
What can you do about this?
Attend the meetings and voice your opinions. If you can't attend in person, call, write or email the city council members repeatedly if need be. You will find their emails at www.huntingtonbeachca.gov/government/elected_officials/city_council/
Also, keep up with what the press coverage is by going to our internal page: sites.google.com/view/orange-coast-huddle/voter-engagement/from-the-press
Friends of the Huntington Beach Library have been actively supporting HB library since 1971. The recent threats from the HB city council shines a spotlight on their efforts to educate, organize events and raise funds benefiting our community treasure. Members of the Orange Coast Huddle are pleased to share their link in support of them. Please visit their site and more importantly their store in the library to help.
To honor Kent and his work please consider making a donation to Self-Help Interfaith Program, P.O. Box 9294 Fountain Valley CA 92728. Check this website to provide a meal and/or become a Personal Advisor, or donate online: www.shipinoc.org
To fund a bench in Kent's neighborhood park you can go to: www.gofundme.com/f/kents-park-bench-in-ellis-park?utm_medium=email&utm_source=product&utm_campaign=p_email%2B2300-co-team-welcome
Learn about the issues re church and state from this thoughtful and lengthy article from the Anti-Defamation League:la.adl.org/news/me-southern-california-church-leaders-pushing-political-extremes/
In February we sponsored a program on this extremely timely topic. HB is a hot spot right now, but other governmental entities are also vulnerable. In any case, the right thing to do being concerned citizens is to keep informed and act on issues we care about on behalf of ourselves and our community. The program slides are available by clicking here. Learn how to
Find your city council's agendas and subscribe to them
Offer comments at meetings
Contact your representatives and more.
Just when HATE CRIME is on the rise HB eliminated the Human Relations Committee which was established 25 years ago.
Thanks as always for your activism. Hundreds of emails were sent to the city council, and the chambers were full of folks ready to speak (and support other public speakers)!
And we made a difference:
-The libraries will not be closing, and hours will not be reduced.
-Beach and park maintenance will not be compromised.
-The popular Circuit downtown shuttle service will continue through 12/31, and possibly beyond if they receive grant funding.
-The police will get a 3 year contract that includes a 5% salary increase each year. Competitive salaries will hopefully help fill the current 30 vacancies in our HB Police force.
-The City Attorney will add 4 employees to his office.
-The City Treasurer will get $100,000 to remodel the office.
-The city will be increasing fees and fines. Other revenue sources will be considered as well.
The next meeting will be July 18, which means we have a few weeks to rest. We will keep you updated on any further developments.
Agendas are available at huntingtonbeach.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx City Council meetings are broadcast live on YouTube. Search for the live session or the archives. The city website is www.huntingtonbeachca.gov/
HB COMMUNITY CAFE is hosted by Council Member Natalie Moser at the HB Public Library on the last Wednesday of the month. Early registration is suggested. Seats fill up fast. Sign up here: hbpl.libcal.com/event/9298157
This is a listing of articles that show how we can win--get to 55%
On the emerging anti-MAGA majority: portside.org/2023-06-12/emerging-anti-maga-majority
We know the country is evenly divided politically. In this article, dated March 9, 2023 Simon Rosenberg argues that we must get to 55% because that will guarantee Democrats win. simonwdc.substack.com/p/memo-get-to-55-expanding-our-coalition?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Carey Jo and Ashley canvassing
We distribute cards by canvassing or mailing. Please participate.
See March Primary election data below
Change your browning grass yard to a draught tolerant landscape
Same Grassroots Action
New Huddle Name
In February 2017, after the first Women’s March, a group of strangers responded to the call, “First we march, then we huddle.” We were united in our goals to become more politically active and to counteract the actions of the newly elected president. We agreed upon the issues we would focus on and formed our action teams. We persisted!
Since that time, we’ve continued to pursue our goals and have learned that the challenges that concern us are best corrected by electing like-minded officials and providing community service opportunities. We are most effective when we work together to educate the public and encourage the electorate to vote. We have determined that a PAC is the most appropriate structure for our organization.
For archived issues of our newsletter go to: us15.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=fefda7d67dd51caf8aad96c88&id=b4f9961904 SIGN UP FOR THE NEWLETTER BELOW.
Derek Tran US 45
Janet Nguyen CA Senate 36 – Republican
Open CA Senate 36 – Election in February
Diane Dixon CA Assembly 72 – Republican
Tri Ta CA Assembly 70 – Republican
Progressive candidates are highlighted in blue
Doug Chaffee, Chairman, 4th District: Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Placentia, Stanton, portions of Anaheim, and unincorporated communities.
Donald P. Wagner, Vice-Chairman, 3rd District: Anaheim (portions of), Irvine (portions of), Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Orange (portions of), Rancho Santa Margarita, Tustin (portions of), Villa Park, Yorba Linda, and the Unincorporated Communities of Modjeska, North Tustin, Silverado, Trabuco Canyon and Williams Canyon
Janet Nguyen, 1st District, Cypress, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove (portions of), Huntington Beach, Los Alamitos, La Palma, Seal Beach, Westminster, and the Unincorporated Communities of Midway City and Rossmoor
Vicente Sarmiento 2nd District. Anaheim (portions of), Garden Grove (portions of), Orange (portions of), Santa Ana, Tustin (portions of), and the Unincorporated Communities of North Tustin
Katrina Foley, 5th District, The Cities of Aliso Viejo, Costa Mesa, Dana Point, Irvine (portions of), Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Newport Beach, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, as well as the unincorporated areas of Coto de Caza, Ladera Ranch, Las Flores, and Rancho Mission Viejo
Tony Strickland, Term ends in 2026
Gracey Van Der Mark, Term ends in 2026
Pat Burns, Mayor, Term ends in 2026
Casey McKeon, Mayor, Pro Tem,Term ends in 2026
Don Kennedy Term ends in 2028
Butch Twining Term ends in 2028
Chad Williams Term ends in 2024
Kim Constantine, Mayor, Term expires 2026
Glen Grandis, Mayor Pro Tem, Term expires 2024
Ted Bui, Term expires 2024
Jim Cunneen Term expires 2026
Patrick Harper Term expires 2026
John Stephens, Mayor, Term expires 2024
Jeffrey Harlan, Mayor Pro Tem, Term expires 2024
Andrea Marr, Term expires 2026
Manuel Chavez, Term expires 2026
Loren Gameros Term expires 2024
Don Harper Term expires 2024
Arlis Reynolds Term expires 2026
Noah Blom, District 5, Mayor, Term expires 2024
Will O’Neill, District 7, Mayor Pro Tem, Term expires 2024
Joe Stapleton, District 1, Term expires 2026
Brad Avery, District 2, Term expires 2024
Eric Weigan, District 3, Term expires 2026
Robyn Grant, District 4, Term expires 2026
Lauren Kleiman, District 6, Term expires 2026
Thomas Moore, Mayor, District 2--Leisure World, College Park West & Rossmoor Center, Term expires 2024
Schelly Sustarsic, Mayor Pro Tem District 4--College Park East & Town Center, Term expires 2024
Joel Kalmick, Mayor, District 1--Old Town and Surfside Colony, Term expires 2026
Lisa Landau, District 3--Cove,Hill, Bridgeport and Heron Pointe, Term expires 2026
Nathan Steele, District 5--Leisure World, Term expires 2026