HB City Council Issues
In February we sponsored a program on this extremely timely topic. HB is a hot spot right now, but other governmental entities are also vulnerable. In any case, the right thing to do being concerned citizens is to keep informed and act on issues we care about on behalf of ourselves and our community. The program slides are available by clicking here. Learn how to
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Both HB petitions to stop the book banning group and to not privitize library services were successful. We obtained enough signatures for the City to react. They have now decided to order a study: www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/story/2025-01-23/huntington-beach-city-council-orders-studies-on-library-initiatives They have also sent a survey by email to HB residents basically asking if they were "misinformed" when singing the petitions. The "study" should be done in 30 days. See From the Press pages for full information.
In defiance of state law, the HB City Council voted to declare HB to be a "non-sancuary" city. See: www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/story/2025-01-22/huntington-beach-city-council-declares-city-non-sanctuary-friendly-to-trump-policies also voiceofoc.org/2025/01/huntington-beach-disregards-californias-sanctuary-laws-directs-police-to-work-with-ice/?sourceid=1043933&utm_campaign=morning_report&emci=85e8c1de-a9d9-ef11-88f8-0022482a9579&emdi=e0f639ab-24db-ef11-88f8-0022482a9579&ceid=195536 There might be possible actions against the OakView community. Stay alert.
Go to the Voter Engagement page for the latest on the machinations of the F4+Gates.
Our State Senator Dave Min's bill SB 1174 has passed the State Senate and now goes to the Assembly. The bill prohibits local governments from imposing voter identification (ID) requirements in local elections and reinforces the State of California's exclusive jurisdiction on the matter. (from Dave Min's website)
Eliminated celebration of Black History month and Women's Rights month and others substituting them for HB historical events. See: voiceofoc.org/2023/12/huntington-beach-nixes-black-history-month-other-ethnic-celebrations/?emci=fbbc8c29-019f-ee11-bea1-002248223f36&emdi=8b638610-409f-ee11-bea1-002248223f36&ceid=195536 See statement from State Senator Dave Min below.
Second city manager leaves HB!
See below
Just when HATE CRIME is on the rise HB eliminated the Human Relations Committee which was established 25 years ago. See: voiceofoc.org/2023/09/new-report-shows-hate-crimes-and-incidents-continue-increasing-in-orange-county/
The agenda for all city council meetings are found on the city website at: huntingtonbeach.legistar.com/DepartmentDetail.aspx?ID=36680&GUID=BEFA9BEC-D352-4133-B594-8F0E324DF248 Regretably the documents cannot be individually linked at this time.
Regretably the resolution below passed 4-3 despite a majority of public comments against it. The reality is that no one quite knows how it will be implemented.
Now we know what they are trying to do. Library staff has been directed to move "objectionable items" from the Childrens and Teens collection to a special area on the fourth floor of the library. Council woman Moser tried to pass a resolution that would delinate processes for these "moves." The resolution did not pass. Read about it in February 21 article of the DailyPilot/LA Times.
CANCELLED due to lack of quorum
Thanks as always for your activism. Hundreds of emails were sent to the city council, and the chambers were full of folks ready to speak (and support other public speakers)!
And we made a difference:
-The libraries will not be closing, and hours will not be reduced.
-Beach and park maintenance will not be compromised.
-The popular Circuit downtown shuttle service will continue through 12/31, and possibly beyond if they receive grant funding.
-The police will get a 3 year contract that includes a 5% salary increase each year. Competitive salaries will hopefully help fill the current 30 vacancies in our HB Police force.
-The City Attorney will add 4 employees to his office.
-The City Treasurer will get $100,000 to remodel the office.
-The city will be increasing fees and fines. Other revenue sources will be considered as well.
The next meeting will be July 18, which means we have a few weeks to rest. We will keep you updated on any further developments
SummaryComments from OCHuddle Voter Engagement Team 6/27/23
Public comments began at approximately 6:10 p.m. and ended around 11:30 p.m. There were over 100 in-person commenters, and more than 600 email comments submitted, which were overwhelmingly against Item 18.
Noteworthy Items:
Item 14: Regarding the council special budget meeting, scheduled for Monday 6/26 at 5pm. Severe cuts to city services are proposed.Includes closure of the three library branches. More information to come
Item 15: Regarding the Navigation Center's long-range solutions. Has been tabled for now.
Items 16 and 17: Budget for police contracts, approved 7-0.
Item 18: Book availability for children in our HB Public Library, AKA the book ban. The vote was 4-3 in favor of a study session (in September) to give themselves authority to determine what books are allowed in our libraries. They've effectively punted on the issue and it has not gone away, but this is a win in the sense that we now have more time. The backlash appears to have caused them to delay by at least a month.
Item 19: Originally intended to denounce recent incidents of antisemitic, racist, and LGBTQ hatred. Mayor Strickland made a motion (which carried) to modify the resolution into denouncing hate against everyone, and proceeded to rattle off a list of ethnicities and religions. The vote was 5-0-1. Bolton abstained, while Kalmick left the room in protest. Strickland made a mockery of the issue, essentially "All Lives Matter-ing" a resolution that was intended in response to a specific problem targeting specific groups.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our call to action! Of course, the work is never done. We must maintain our focus on the council's antics. Attend council meetings when available, normally the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, or watch the meeting on channel 3, or on your computer from the City website. https://reflect-huntingtonbeach.cablecast.tv/CablecastPublicSite/show/1004?channel=1
Another way to engage is to write letters to our council and urge your friends and neighbors to pay attention. If we fall asleep at the wheel leading into the next election, we are guaranteed more pointless lawsuits, more embarrassment, and more ugly and divisive behavior from our current majority and their allies. Elections matter!
From Voice of OC June 21 by Noah Biesiada: voiceofoc.org/2023/06/huntington-beach-leaders-will-try-to-define-whats-obscene-at-public-libraries/
MEETING of APRIL 18 was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum. The MAGA members elected to be absent in favor of another activity.
Item 12 Approval of the Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB) Annual Report and Request for a Mobile Home Market Space Rent Study by the MHABA
A) Receive and file the Mobile Home Advisory Board 2022 Annual Report approved by the MHAB; B)Approve the two MHAB recommendations in the Annual Report, including marketing outreach and a Mobile Home Market Space Rent Study. OUR POSITION: FOR. Action: Only part A was passed. The council rejected to recommendation of the Mobile Home Advisory Board to do a survey of mobile home residents.The last survey was done more than 20 years ago.
Item 16 Continued from March 21, 2023 with Public Hearing Open: Request to Adopt Resolution No. 2023-14 approving General Plan Amendment No. 2021-003 (Housing Element Update), adopt Resolution No. 2023-16 approving General Plan Amendment No. 2022-001 (General Plan Land Use Element Affordable Housing Overlay), approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4289 approving Zoning Map Amendment No. 2022-002 (Zoning Map Affordable
Housing Overlay), approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4291 approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 2022-008 (HBZSO Chapter 229 Affordable Housing Overlay), adopt Resolution No. 2023-13 approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 2022-009 (Beach and Edinger Corridor Specific Plan Affordable Housing Overlay), approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4290 approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 2022-007 (Holly Seacliff Specific Plan Affordable
Housing Overlay), and adopt Resolution No. 2023-15 approving Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No. 2022-002 with findings of fact and statement of overriding considerations (Housing Element Update and Associated Program Implementation Actions)
A. CEQA Action Approve Subsequent EIR No. 22-002 with findings of fact and statement of overriding considerations by adopting City Council Resolution No. 2023-15, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach certifying Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No. 22-002 for the City of Huntington Beach 6th Cycle Housing Element Update (2021-2029), adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act,
adopting a statement of overriding considerations, and adopting a mitigation monitoring and reporting program”
B. Housing Element Update Action B)Approve General Plan Amendment No. 21-003 (Housing Element Update) and adopt City Council Resolution No. 2023-14, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach approving General Plan Amendment No. 21-003 (2021-2029 Housing Element Update”;
C. Implementation Actions (Legislative Amendments)C)Approve General Plan Amendment No. 22-001 (General Plan Land Use Element Affordable Housing Overlay) and adopt City Council Resolution No. 2023-16, “A AGENDAApril 4, 2023 City Council/Public Financing Authority Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach approving General Plan Amendment No. 22-001;
D. Approve Zoning Map Amendment No. 22-002 (Zoning Map Affordable Housing Overlay) with findings by approving for introduction Ordinance No. 4289, “An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending District Maps 2 (Sectional Map 2-6-11), 27 (Sectional Map 24- 5-11), 31 (Sectional Map 26-5-11), and 32 (Sectional Map 27-5-11) of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to add the Affordable Housing Overlay to real property
within the City of Huntington Beach”;
E. Approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 22-008 (HBZSO Chapter 229 Affordable Housing Overlay) with findings by approving for introduction Ordinance No. 4291, “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Zoning and Subdivision Code of the City of Huntington Beach to add a new Chapter 229 (Affordable Housing Overlay)”
F. Approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 22-009 (Beach and Edinger Corridor Specific Plan Affordable Housing Overlay) with findings (Attachment No. 9) by adopting City Council Resolution No. 2023-13, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach approving an amendment to the Beach and Edinger Corridors Specific Plan (SP 14)”
G. Approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 22-007 (Holly Seacliff Specific Plan Affordable Housing Overlay) with findings (Attachment No. 11) by approving for introduction Ordinance No. 4290, “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Holly-
Seacliff Specific Plan (SP 9) to establish an Affordable Housing Overlay” OUR POSITION: FOR ALL ITEMS AS A PACKAGE, RATHER THAN INDIVIDUALLY.
Action: tem 16 There was a 4-3 NO vote to pass the required Housing Element based on two overriding concerns: the environmental impact of development and the flawed methodology used to assign the housing numbers to Huntington Beach. HB citizens should be prepared to see our city pay hundreds of thousands in fines and lose state grant funding.
Item 17 Proposed 90-Day Plan to Address Homelessness in Huntington Beach A) Receive and file this report; B) Approve the proposed 90-Day Plan OUR POSITION: FOR. Action: Item 17 The long over due 90 day housing plan was approved. In 90 days, there will be an audit report and a potentially new 90 day plan.
Item 14 Approve the 2022 Housing Element Annual Progress Report and direct staff to submit the 2022 Housing Element APR to the California Department of Housing and Community Development and Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. OUR POSITION: FOR. Action: Passed
Item 15 Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Michael Ali, dba Zack’s Too Beach Concession
OUR POSITION: Concerned due to no-bid process, which extends lease for 5 years. Is this a good business practice, to not offer others to bid on this concession? Is the city getting a fair market rate on rent? Is it time for an upgrade/improvements? Action: Passed
Item 16 Approve and authorize execution of Amendment to Lease Amendment between the City of Huntington Beach and Michael and Christie Bartusick for Park Bench Café, for the operation of a restaurant/food concession in Huntington Central Park
OUR POSITION: Concerned due to no-bid process, which extends lease for 5 years. Is this a good business practice, to not offer others to bid on this concession? Is the city getting a fair market rate on rent? Is it time for an upgrade/improvements? Major item of the meeting. Action: Passed
Item 25 Adopt Resolution No. 2023-14 approving General Plan Amendment No. 2021-003 (Housing Element Update), adopt Resolution No. 2023-16 approving General Plan Amendment No. 2022-001 (General Plan Land Use Element Affordable Housing Overlay), approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4289 approving Zoning Map Amendment No. 2022-002 (Zoning Map Affordable Housing Overlay), approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4291 approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 2022-008 (HBZSO Chapter 229 Affordable Housing Overlay), Adopt Resolution No. 2023-13 approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 2022-009 (Beach and Edinger Corridor Specific Plan Affordable Housing Overlay), approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4290 approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 2022-007 (Holly Seacliff Specific Plan Affordable Housing Overlay), adopt Resolution No. 2023-15 approving Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No. 2022-002 with findings of fact and statement of overriding considerations (Housing Element Update and Associated Program Implementation Actions), and direct the City Manager to accept applications for permits related to accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and SB 9 development projects. Major item of the meeting. OUR POSITION: FOR. Action: Tabled until 4/4
Item 26 Approve the modification to the City Treasurer’s Department by: authorizing two additional full-time equivalent positions (1 Deputy City Treasurer, 1 Accounting Technician) and increase the City Treasurer position from twenty to thirty hours per week; restore the reporting relationship of the current cashiering and collections area from the Finance Department to the City Treasurer’s Department; and, delete the current position of the Finance Manager and replace the position with that of Treasury Manager (no additional FTE or personnel cost).
We have concerns, as this is an elected position and no requirement for any accounting background to run for this position. Action: Passed
Item 27 Campaign Contributions and Compliance with the Political Reform
Act per Senate Bill 1439 OUR POSITION: Watch going forward to see how the city will monitor councilmembers’ actions and this new state law. Action: Passed
Item 28 Proposed 90-Day Plan to Address Homelessness in Huntington Beach
A) Receive and file this report; and
B) Approve the proposed 90-Day Plan. OUR POSITION: FOR. Tabled until 4/4
This was one of the 4 major campaign promises that the newly elected council members made with the voters in their "contract with HB". Interestingly, the details of the plan essentially mirror what we have already been doing, and they are now apparently conceding that it has been working. We will watch for a NEW 90 day plan as we go forward.
Also, if you're interested in hearing from some of our partners about organizing pushback against the current council majority, please visit https://forms.gle/pMuugchKnyxTpLH97 to provide your contact information.
Meeting of March 7
lItem 12 will be the final procedural vote for the new city flag ordinance, which will eliminate all commemorative flags/displays on city property (AKA "the Pride flag item"). OUR POSITION: AGAINST
Items 13 and 14 would criminalize a long and varied list of behaviors at city-owned parking garages that, while admittedly problematic in many cases, seem intended to enable and encourage harassment of our neighbors experiencing homelessness. While we support the need for public safety measures, at the last HB City Council meeting, Councilmember McKeon explicitly stated that these items are part of the new majority plan to eliminate homelessness in our city. By his reasoning, making homelessness a crime will apparently make it go away. OUR POSITION: INDIVIDUAL DECISION
Item 16 is another futile attempt to fight the pro-housing "Builder’s Remedy" in Huntington Beach. OUR POSITION: AGAINST
Item 17 is a report on proposed design changes to Main Street, such as closure to vehicular traffic for the first 3 blocks. If you have ideas on improvements to make the area better, be sure to let the City Council know, either via email or public comment.
Item 18, proposed by Council Member Dan Kalmick, would direct the City Manager to continue processing SB9 ADU permits in an attempt to avoid a losing battle against CA state law. OUR POSITION: FOR
As always, you can make your voice heard by either sending emails or making in-person public comments. Even your presence in the council chambers as a friendly face to support the speakers is helpful. We anticipate this meeting will be very well attended!
Meeting of February 21
ITEM 23-Approve for Introduction Ordinance No. 4283 Adding Chapter 13.07 of the
Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Government Flags on City Property.
This second procedural vote is part of the council's ongoing plan to end the display of the Pride flag at City Hall. AGAINST
ITEM 24- Approve for Introduction Ordinance No. 4284 Amending Municipal Code 13.52
Relating to Public Conduct within City-Owned Public Parking Structures
This ordinance is intended to address safety concerns and nuisance behavior at the city owned parking garage downtown. We understand the need for public safety, but questions remain about implementation, and exactly how these new rules will be communicated and enforced. NEED MORE INFO/WATCH CLOSELY
ITEM 25- Approve for Introduction Ordinance No. 4273 Amending Municipal Code 13.48
Relating to the Use of Tents and Other Uses Within City Parks.
Like the previous item, we have similar concerns about enforcement. HBPD is currently understaffed-- is prioritizing the removal of homeless people really the wisest way to prioritize their time? NEED MORE INFO/WATCH CLOSELY
ITEM 26- SB 9 and SB 10 Impacts to Huntington Beach
This item is another futile attempt by the council to exempt the city from compliance with state law and fight the construction of additional housing. It is a losing battle which benefits nobody except those members who ran on promises to pick these fights. AGAINST
ITEM 27-Submitted by Mayor Strickland and Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark - Request to
prepare a Invocation Policy
This item would formalize the creation of a policy about which religious leaders are invited to give invocations at council meetings. Created in response to past invocations given by the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council which some apparently found inappropriate. Although the text of the item makes reference to respecting constitutional rights and free exercise of religion, the act of restricting who can participate seems near certain to result in unnecessary litigation. AGAINST
Go to From the Press page sites.google.com/view/orange-coast-huddle/voter-engagement/from-the-press
CADEM Gets Involved
Our friends at the