Our State Senator Dave Min's bill SB 1174 has passed the State Senate and now goes to the Assembly. The bill prohibits local governments from imposing voter identification (ID) requirements in local elections and reinforces the State of California's exclusive jurisdiction on the matter. (from Dave Min's website

Data on Voter Fraud

Here's the secret it's NOT rampant

HB in the News

Read a comprehensive, front page LA Times article (12/15/23) on what our new City Council is doing to Huntington Beach:  For earlier press coverage go to our Press page.  And, go to the Protect HB YouTube channel for the latest coverage.



The Huntington Beach Public Library, a stellar organization in the county has been under attack since the MAGA city council took over.  Late last year the council passed a resolution to remove "objectional" items from the childrens and teen section of the library.  The reason, paraphrasing, is to protect young readers from "pornography" and "obscenity." No criteria was set for the removal process and for the alternative access to these materials by those who wish to use them.  On the February 20th meeting, Council Woman Moser attempted to bring transparency to the process, but her resolution was not passed.  Read an unbiased review of this action in the Daily Pilot. Many more articles are archived in the From the Press section of this website. 

The MAGA majority is moving forward to create a 21 person "review" board to evaluate childrens books. How often will they meet?  What criteria will be used to appoint these people? What criteria will they use to review these books? How many books have to be purchased for the process?  What happens to the books that will not be purchased for the library? The Community and Library Services Commission met on April 10, 2024, where these questions were asked but not answered because everything is in process.  Here is a sampling of the books that have been removed from the children and teen sections of the library.


Incredibly, the MAGA majority has decided that it would be a good thing to privatize the library.  As such they will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to firms such as Library Systems and Services (a for profit entity).  The RFP is in the process of being written. Over 30 citizens spoke at the April 10 commission meeting decrying this move and asking pertinent questions such as: will we have the same services, will we be eligible for government grants, will we able to keep the hundreds of volunteers who staff many programs and services, how much money are we actually saving?  There were few answers although an astonishing fact is that the library's budget hasn't increased in the last five years.  HB spends $27 per citizen per year for library services. Hardly a huge amount.  It's the price of an average hardback book. One book check out by an HB tax payer takes care of that amount. 1/19/24: FORTUNATELY, THE VENDOR BACKED OFF AT THE LAST MINUTE SO THE ISSUE IS MOOT.  HOWEVER, BE ON THE ALERT FOR CONTINUING ATTACKS ON OUR LIBRARY.


Attend council and commission meetings, contact the council members (call, email, make in-person appointments, attend protest meeting (See Protect HB for activities and opportunities),join the Friends of the Library and donate, talk to your friends and neighbors--most people lead busy lives and are not well informed on local issues. Sign the petitions to undo the "citizens review board" that will censor children's books and the petition against privatizing the library. See below for opportunities to work on the petitions.  Ultimately, it is imperative that we re-elect our current sane council members this November.  Go to Dan Kalmick, Natalie Moser, and Rhonda Bolton's web pages to donate and volunteer. 

Great to have the endorsements of OC Young Democrats! 


PROTECTHB.ORG is a new PAC whose mission is to defeat the Charter Amendments on the ballot this March.  Please support this organization.  Go to their website, learn more about it and donate whatever you can.  Hopefully you can volunteer to write postcards and knock on doors to defeat the madness that the F5 have set upon us. The Editorial Board of the OCRegister endorsed our cause on 1/16/24:   A terrific column appeared in the LATimes (1/21/24) on the front page of the California section. Written by famed writer Steve Lopez it chronicles the current madness with a nod to "retirees" turned activists:  Watch a Facebook video from our campaign.  Watch a video with comments from citizens. 

Note Steve Lopez of the LA Times on the right with his photographer!!!  His 1/21/24 is here.

The Editorial Board of the Orange County Register endorsed our cause.  See link for full article.

An editorial in the Daily Pilot/LA Times, October 24, 2023 by nine former HB mayors is a significant rebuff to the current city council.  See full text on the below or go to: 

The mayors held a Press Conference at City Hall on November 1, 2023.  See 

See video of Press Conference here:  

Click here to send your and 


Below is a letter from Rob Bonta, CA Attorney General informing the HB City Council of the implications of changing elections protocols.  

Our state senator Dave Min's comments on HB City Council issues.

What can you do about this?  

Attend the meetings and voice your opinions.  If you can't attend in person, call, write or email the city council members repeatedly if need be.  You will find their emails at  Also, keep up with what the press coverage is by going to our internal page: 

Just when HATE CRIME is on the rise HB eliminated the Human Relations Committee which was established 25 years ago. 


There seem to be discussions to expand the Air Show to five days and to land planes on the actual beach! (2/22/24)

Thanks as always for your activism. Hundreds of emails were sent to the city council, and the chambers were full of folks ready to speak (and support other public speakers)!

And we made a difference:Thanks as always for your activism. Hundreds of emails were sent to the city council, and the chambers were full of folks ready to speak (and support other public speakers)!

-The libraries will not be closing, and hours will not be reduced.

-Beach and park maintenance will not be compromised. 

-The popular Circuit downtown shuttle service will continue through 12/31, and possibly beyond if they receive grant funding.

-The police will get a 3 year contract that includes a 5% salary increase each year. Competitive salaries will hopefully help fill the current 30 vacancies in our HB Police force.

-The City Attorney will add 4 employees to his office.

-The City Treasurer will get $100,000 to remodel the office.

-The city will be increasing fees and fines. Other revenue sources will be considered as well.

The next meeting will be July 18, which means we have a few weeks to rest. We will keep you updated on any further developments.


Since the HB City Council won't fly the Pride flag at City Hall, activists decided to fly it LARGE at the pier! 


In February we sponsored a program on this extremely timely topic.  HB is a hot spot right now, but other governmental entities are also vulnerable.  In any case, the right thing to do being concerned citizens is to keep informed and act on issues we care about on behalf of ourselves and our community.  The program slides are available by clicking here.  Learn how to


Agendas are available at  City Council meetings are broadcast live on YouTube. Search for the live session or the archives. The city website is 

The new "conservative" majority block running the HB City Council's actions must be observed closely.  They need to be held accountable for the platform they ran on.  For instance, California State General Attorney Bonta sent a letter to Michael Gates, HB City Attorney warning him to comply with California laws re affordable housing.  Mr. Gates is planning to sue the state to avoid this type of housing. The LA Times has covered the issue. Even the Orange County Register ran an editorial against our city's action. One of the most comprehensive articles comes from the Voice of OC.  On another matter, 11 former mayors wrote in the Daily Pilot against the council's plan to craft an ordinance that limits the flags flown at city hall.  For more information go to the HBCC subpage nested under the Voter Engament page of this website. 


We sponsored a program on this extremely timely topic.  HB is a hot spot right now, but other governmental entities are also vulnerable.  In any case, the right thing to do being concerned citizens is to keep informed and act on issues we care about on behalf of ourselves and our community.  The program slides are available by clicking here.  Learn how to

HB COMMUNITY CAFE is hosted by Council Member Natalie Moser at the HB Public Library on the last Wednesday of the month. Early registration is suggested.  Seats fill up fast.  Sign up here: 

Want to attend?  Please click here: 

State Senator Dave Min introduces bill to ban off shore drilling

Read about it here. 



And...she just announced she is running for Senate in 2026!  

BIGGER THAN ROE march on January 22, 2023 in Long Beach

Sign here to ask your city council to make it easier for households to go solar.

We distribute cards by canvassing or mailing.  

PROPOSITION 1 PASSED!  Thanks to all who helped.

Are you being informed or influenced?

Sign up for a webinar on developing news literacy skills.  Go to:

Get $$$ for your gas guzzler

Qualified Replace Your Ride program applicants can receive up to $9,500 to replace their own older, high-polluting vehicle with a newer vehicle, upgrade to a hybrid or electric vehicle or get vouchers for car-sharing or public transit passes. This program is available to vehicle owners residing within the South Coast AQMD Jurisdiction who meet the income and vehicle requirements.

Applying to the program is 100% free.  For more information, please go to

Benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act

The Biden administration on Tuesday launched, a website that explains how consumers can take advantage of the clean energy tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act.   The site provides information on the tax credits that are available for rooftop solar panels, heating and cooling systems, energy efficiency upgrades and electric vehicles. Consumers can also sign up to receive updates about incentives that will become available next year.


Thanks to all candidates and volunteers who attended!



See March Primary voting data below

Our supervisor Andrew Do will be up for re-election in 2024.  Katrina Foley is now running in November for Supervisorial District 5. 


Keep up with local city news by going to Surf City Break at    For reporst from the city manager go to 

Fountain Valley newsletter:

Costa Mesa newsletter:

Our OC District 2 Supervisor, Katrina Foley, has a newsletter which you can find at

Our own newsletter: Register to get it here: u=fefda7d67dd51caf8aad96c88&id=b4f9961904   

For archived issues of our newsletter go to: 

Our Environment Team sends a weekly newsletter.  Sign up by emailing 

Orange County Progressive News Outlets

Voice of OC    Independent, free, but donations are highly encouraged. Award winner.

Orange Juice Blog  A bit more edgy. States it has conservative contributors.

Democratic Club of West Orange County.  Official club associated with the Democratic party.